Lauren Pulkstenis

For much of my life, I was a ballerina, first and foremost. I grew up as very much a city person, usually choosing theaters and dance studios over parks and forests. I attended the Nutmeg Conservatory for my high school years, living at ballet school and spending all my time devoted to training for a professional career. In my younger years, I never had a clue that my ballet training would someday come in handy in rock climbing. 

Later on, I moved to Santa Barbara, CA to work with a professional ballet company, and began dabbling in outdoor activities. First, just day hikes in the surrounding foothills and mountains, and later developing an affinity for backpacking and camping. In 2017, I climbed my first route - a multipitch line that traced up a system of cracks on a formation called “Manure Pile”, with my dad and a guide. From there, I was hooked. Since then, I’ve chosen to take many of my climbing trips and outings to Joshua Tree National Park, The Red River Gorge, and of course, Devil’s Lake. I also love backpacking, camping, and just being outside in whatever way I can. 

In recent years, I’ve lived in Chicago, IL, teaching ballet, climbing and working at an area gym, and taking trips up to Devil’s Lake and other areas when I could, before finally landing in Madison. Through my dancing and climbing, I’ve learned that the place I find the most joy is in teaching. I’ve taught ballet and aerial silks for many years, working with students to help them learn how to connect to their bodies and learn strength, balance, and grace. Climbing at Devil’s Lake may look a bit different than dancing, but the two have a lot in common, and I love getting to know people and helping them to see their limitless potential, on and off the rock.


In 2023, Lauren left her regular role with us as a regular instructor and Operations Manager and took a full-time job in a different industry. She still guides with us occasionally. Feel free to request her, we’ll try to lure her out!


AMGA Single Pitch Instructor
Wilderness First Responder
SafeSport Trained
LEAD Camp Mental Health


Glenn Poole


Megan Rasque