AMGA Single Pitch Instructor
Course & Assessment
Risk Management Training for Commercial Guides & Institutional Climbing Leaders
The AMGA Single Pitch Instructor (SPI) Program teaches climbing instructors to proficiently facilitate and instruct the sport of rock climbing in a single pitch setting. The SPI is the only internationally recognized single pitch climbing instructor certification program in the United States. It is comprised of two parts: a three-day course and a two-day assessment.
AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Course
The American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA) Single Pitch Instructor (SPI) course teaches rock climbing instructors professional-level risk management and instructional approaches for the single-pitch environment. The course is ideally suited for instructors in a variety of contexts:
current professional or institutional guides/teachers/instructors working primarily in top rope or single pitch terrain
climbers aspiring to work commercially as rock climbing guides and/or instructors
climbing instructors or supervisors for public schools, universities, parks & rec or other other institutional climbing programs
Boy and Girls Scout leaders or merit badge counselors
recreational rock climbers wishing to improve safety and efficiency in single pitch terrain
The SPI does not specifically address lead, multi-pitch, or other complex climbing or approach and descent environments, but is designed to fit into the larger AMGA Rock program. For information on prerequisites, required gear, and other course details, please see the AMGA website.
Upcoming SPI Course Dates:
April 26-28, 2025 w/ Elaina Arenz
May 22-24, 2025 w/ Nate Smith
October 10-12, 2025 w/ Jon Richard
AMGA SPI Assessment
Two-Day SPI Assessment - $395
The Single Pitch Instructor Assessment is optional and separate from the SPI Course. The Assessment is for graduates of the SPI Course who feel they have mastered the Course skills and are ready to prove competence. The AMGA highly recommends SPI Course candidates take time practicing and consolidating skills learned on the course before assessment (6-12 months).
For information on prerequisites, required gear, and other course details, please see the AMGA website.
UPCOMING SPI Assessment Dates:
April 29 & 30, 2025 w/ Elaina Arenz
May 25 & 26, 2025 w/ Nate Smith
October 13 & 14, 2025 w/ Jon Richard
If you are interested in taking an SPI course and would like to be notified of upcoming opportunities, please contact us (form below) to get on the interest list. Thanks!